Close-ups: Beargrass

This gallery contains close-up photos of beargrass, xerophyllum tenax. A member of the lily flamily, beargrass is neither a grass, nor is it eaten by bears.

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Bear grass, Glacier N.P., Montana, U.S.

Beargrass growing at the edge Going To The Sun Road in Glacier National Park.

Bear grass, Glacier N.P., Montana, U.S.

Beargrass catches a fleeting beam of sunlight on a wet and cloudy day in Glaicer's Two Medicine area.

Beargrass, Glacier N.P.

Morning sun through the trees highlights beargrass, an icon in Glacier National Park in Montana.

Beargrass, Glacier N.P.

Morning sun through the trees highlights beargrass near Lunch Creek in Glacier National Park in Montana.

Beargrass in western Montana's Jewel Basin

Beargrass along the trail up Mt. Aeneas in western Montana's Jewel Basin.

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